Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy - Works for cello
Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy ( 1809 -1847)
200 years , 1809 – 2009
The works for cello
"... a very important branch of piano music, and one of wich I am particularly fond - trios, quartets and other pieces with accompanimet, genuine chambermusic - is quite forgotten now and I feel a great urge to do something new of this kind", Mendelssohn wrote to Ferdinad Hiller in 1838.
"It is with thisi deat hat I recently wrote the sonata for violin, and the one for cello( Sonata in B - flat, 0p.45), and I am thinking of writing a couple of trios next." Cellist have particulary good reason to be thankful fort his inclination, since Mendelssohn´s cellomusic, along with that of Schumann and Chopin, embodies a richmid - 19th - century treasure-trove in the cello repertoire.